Saturday, May 7, 2011

Results from User Testing on the 4th May

On the 4th of May me and Lauren went down to the Doras center to user test everything which was done so far, with the functionality of the app and the design and everything to do with the app, we also tested the tutorial and website which they would download the app.

We tested everything on 6 of the clients and also on Tony.

I did this by using the coaching method and also asking them questions as well. I will show the results which we got below.

Client 1 - Sarah - Age 20

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "Brilliant because it looks fancy and i think it would help me to remember my information like pps number which i can never remember"

Q2 - Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "4 - There is a bit to much detail on it and to many passwords to enter it makes it harder to use and would take to much time"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "I would only make it have 1 or 2 passwords so it would be easier."

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 - "I like the characters colours and i like the characters but would like the choice to have an animal as well"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "I like the colours which have been used but i think it would be cool if we could customize the colour scheme for the app as well as the characters"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 -
"At the moment i thik its a bit too hard to use with all the passwords but if there were less i would find it easier and i would definitely use it"

Client 2 -
Susan - 32

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "I think it is very good it looks good and it is different from anything which i have heard of before"

Q2 - Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "3 - I think it would be ok to use once i was used to it, it would easier to use"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "I would do nothing because it does the job which its meant to do"

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 -
"I really like the characters which have been used they are fun and i like the style which has been used, i think it is good that you can personalise them"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "Yes (no reason just does!)"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 -
"Yes i would use it, it would help me a lot"

Client 3 - Micheal - Age 20

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "I think it is good and i like the way you can decide what colour hair and clothes the character has"

Q2 - Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "5 - I would find it hard to remember all the passwords, and it would annoy me"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "I would make it so there is only 2 passwords which you have to remember"

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 -
"I dont mind them as long as i dont have to be the girl character!"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "Yes blue is my favorite colour"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 - "I think that the app does what it is suppose to do but i would find it hard with all the passwords get rid of some of them an might use it"

Client 4 - Michelle - Aged 27

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "I am very impressed i could never do something like that i would love to be able to, i like the fact you can personalise your own character.

Q2 -
Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "3 - it would be ok to use i am not to good at using mobile phones anyway"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "I wouldnt change anything i think it is perfect"

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 - "i like the fact that the characters are super heroes it is cool and i like that you can personalise them"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "i like that the colours are bright and cheerful"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 -"yes it would help me a lot to remember things"

Client 5 - Yasmin - 19

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "I think that it is brilliant i love the characters, and i like that we can decide on the amount of details we want to put in"

Q2 - Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "5 - only because there is quite a lot of information and too many password to have to put in"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "I would like it if the characters were of someone i new, and if the colours were illuminus for the girls and black for boys, i also would make it so that you could actually change what type of clothing the character is wearing that would be cool and if you could change the characters facial expression"

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 - "I would more to be done to them so change what they are actually wearing, i would of liked them to be a choice of celebrities which i like"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "I would prefer illuminus or multi-coloured for girls and black for boys"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 - "I would definitely use it, it would help me to remember my details"

Client 6 - Nicole - 18

Q1 - What do you think of the application which we have made so far?And why?

A1 - "I think it is brilliant because everyone forgets there details for things and if its on your phone you will always be able to remember it."

Q2 - Do you think it is hard to use this application? On a level of hardness rate our app 1 being very easy, 2 easy, 3 being average (ok), 4 hard and 5 being very hard.

A2 - "1 - I think it would be really easy to use"

Q3 - If this was your application what changes would you make to it?

A3 - "i wouldnt change anything"

Q4 - Do you like the characters which have been used?

A4 - "yes i like the cartoon style of the characters"

Q5 - Do you like the colour scheme which has been used?

A5 - "i love all the different colours which have been used they are really nice"

Q6 - Do you think this app would help you and would you use it?

A6 - "I think it would really help as i always have my phone on me everywhere, so that means i will always have my details on me as well and they will be protected so no one else can see them in less i let them."


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