Saturday, February 12, 2011

Michael Barrett Talk

Michael Barrett - European project work/Project Manager

> Adult day services provide rehabilitation training, vocational training

Doras - Training + Employment Development Service

People that go there - people who cant sustain in an ordinary school, have to go to a special school

Fetac Courses - kind of like college

18-26 years of age > always with there own peer group some are loners, low confidence, funny and normal (3 years)

wouldn't complete a full fetac module, parts of it.

Fetac level 4/5

Intellectual Disability > Different to down syndrome

mild disability > wouldn't sometimes no the disability, they have a problem in understanding and a problem of admitting.

"always will have an intellectual disability"

job coaches - train, support them

They are sensitive to there disability and put themselves down.

Messers/Swats/Stick together

They are students/trainees and like to be called that DON'T SAY WORD DIDSABILITY!!!!!

The students have less opportunities, facilities - smart phones, internet, word, power point, reading problems, simple.

Stephanie Botrel

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